Hey there 20s! |
As it is exactly one week into the new year it is time to follow the fold, and reminisce. It's actually kind of hard to look back over an entire 365 days and remember what you did. I mean, last January I was still a teenager...so how accurate could my memory be? I'm in an entirely new decade of my life, and as the crows feet start to march across my face the childhood memories get wiped out. In all seriousness, it was pretty awesome to finally wave goodbye to being a teenager. First thing I did on my birthday was find my roommate Chris and high five him because I beat teen pregnancy. The same thing happened on his birthday 2 months later, where he received a high five for not becoming a statistic. But now for your enjoyment, I give you
2011: A Year.
But leaning on chairs isn't. |
Last January, well, it was cold. I really hate January so bear with me as I sift though the hate to figure out what the heck happened...nope nothing. February was much more eventful, and mostly from working backstage during Concordia's production of "Ah, Wilderness!" This is one of my favorite times from the theatre. There was a lot of camaraderie backstage, and it was mostly because we didn't have enough chairs. There was lap sitting, seat stealing, and the ever popular chair lean. The chair lean is when someone is sitting in a chair and you lean on the back of it(let's make this a thing people!). My friend Ted and I would sit in the chairs and create our own theatrical events. Like being two French spies in a bar, or other things with accents. February was also pretty awesome because that's when I secured my job at Trollwood, and had some personal successes come from nowhere. I'd try to explain it, but it came from nowhere...how am I supposed to work with that?
I was in that...well the play, not the box |
March brought my involvement in an awesome Senior Thesis project titled [constructed] which was great, even though I still think my idea of: Because Of Our Broken Spirits (or BOOBS) would have been successful. It was a collaborative project between the director/writer and 5 other women. We had a lot of fun, and we also got to speak out for women. This project gave the audience a look into the minds of women, and it was awesome to do a monologue where we started talking about how our breasts were sacred. This was awesome because all the women speaking were grabbing their boobs, and no one could get away from it. YAY AWKWARD! It was the chance for me to get to know some amazing women, and also give a monologue professing my love for "Gone With the Wind". April doesn't call to mind anything super awesome, but finals were happening then so...yeah.
Rock Picking: You're Doing it Right |
May brought my triumphant arrival into my 20s, as well as a LOT of rock picking. June started me off in Trollwood and it was awesome. I had a lot of fun there, and so many skills were acquired. MUST SEW ALL THINGS!Dude, I was making dresses just by PICTURES!I never thought I would be able to sew something just based on what I saw, and that was a huge accomplishment for me. At the tail end of June I adopted Quintus, and that was a big deal for me, if you recall from this previous post
The Artist Formally Known as Harmon (this was my first in-post link...follow it and you'll be a part of history!Also, probably find the end of a rainbow...just saying).
July was when I made my pilgrimage to the homeland. This was exactly six months ago and I often find myself wandering back to those endless hills in Norway, the amazing forests in Sweden, and always the food. August was when I started working at White Banner, and there's a reason you haven't heard about this and you never will. It's not illegal, it's not incriminating, it's just unpleasant. August was also when I moved into my new apartment, and that was a point in my life where I finally had to stand up for myself. It was pretty awesome to finally do that, but it also sucks. That's something they don't always tell you. Oh, and I started my junior year of college.
History is fun! |
September, hmmm, not seeing much for September up in the old noodle. Except I thought I didn't get cast in
Grease but then found out I was, in fact, called back. It was a humbling time for me, as I realized how lucky I was to have actually had it be a mixup that I wasn't called back. Anyway, I was cast as Patty Simcox. OH YEAH! Then I got a sinus infection. That might be why I blocked September. October was insanely busy, and ended with my boyfriend and I dressing up as the Donner Party for Halloween. It was pretty awesome, we were using history for fun! That's right kids, learning can be fun! November went by in a whirl of
Grease performances and lots of Turkey. Two Thanksgivings this year, and I was not mad at all. And December brought forth finals, and the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas Break.
I hope you have enjoyed
2011: A Year as this will probably be the only year in review I ever post. You know, since the world's going to end and all. But if Monty Python is correct and it's Christmas in Heaven, perhaps I can post to you from the great beyond, but I might be busy watching
Jaws I, II, and