Friday, May 4, 2012

Did You Know?

Did you know that a group of 5 janitors is called a pod?
This is a murder of janitors because it is 4 or less
     -I learned this when I walked behind 5 janitors. I also learned they communicate through melodious
Did you know that as soon as you buy something new to replace what you lost, you'll find what you lost?
     -I learned this when I bought Quintus a new cat brush.
Did you know that you can cram a ton of stuff in a small space?
     -I am continuing to learn this as I am in the process of moving...again.
Did you know that Dairy Queen has a confetti cake blizzard for the month of May?
Best Birthday Month Ever!
     -I learned this on Tuesday, and shall be celebrating my birthday all month long with this most amazing
Did you know that Chaucer's birthday is May 29th?
Birthday Buddy
     -No one knows his actual birthday, but I have a really solid theory that this author shares my birthday.
Did you know that sometimes you can get free stuff at business because you work at the business next door?
     -I learned this today as I stopped at the "Stop and Go"(ironically enough they have no place to sit
       inside...they mean business) and got free coffee cause I work at the gift store that is 10 feet away.
Did you know that there is a product out there that says "smooth as a duck's butt" on it?
    -This I also learned at my new job. I would own it, but (ha! butt) it is expensive.
Did you know there is a line of fragrances out there named after authors?
     -Jane Austen smells like lilacs, but Leo Tolstoy is my favorite scent.
Did you know that life gets so much better when you're done with 4 out of 5 classes?
Did you know that even if you only get $24 for books that cost wayyyy more, it is better than moving them to a    
     new house?
     -An important lesson kids, always sell those books you're not so sure about because they probably won't
       be buying them by the time you make up your mind.
Did you know that "The Cool Mikado" is awesome?
Madly in love with this
     -Yes, I'm still on this but it's SOOOO GOOD!