Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here's a how-de-do!

     Okay so it's been over a month since I last blogged, and if you're going to round up it's been almost two. But we don't like math here so it's like I never left! But seriously, it's been a while and I've learned some stuff and I want to share it with you!
     This whole year has been somewhat...poopy. I have no idea what made it this way, but beginning to end it has been an intense struggle and I totally felt it. Yet somehow that old cliche still fits, "Didn't it just fly by?" Even though I only agree to this after skeptically frowning my eyebrows for a good long while I admit that it did fly by. Most of what this year has been about is self discovery and good old communication. And none of this communication was learned from my Comm 201 class... which can just go die.
Gay Elephant wishes you rainbows and sunshine
     Being a member of the theatre I've learned that there are so many people who have to work together to put a show on. I know, you're all thinking, "Duh!" but seriously  A LOT of people are necessary to make a show happen, and it can REALLY REALLY be a stinky gym sock of a time if these people decide that their ideas are the most important out of all the ideas...ever. If you're going to be a member of a group, then friggen be a member of a group. I'll be the first one to admit I hate group projects, but I'm not going to make them more difficult by acting like a spoiled child and demanding that I get my way.
     Here's a news flash, other people have good ideas too, in fact, their idea just might be as good OR better than yours, so take the time to listen to them and hopefully they will listen to you. Once you've talked it all out take the time to compromise and decide what's best for the production as a whole. Sure there is going to be some intense times in there, but if you remember that other people have feelings and struggles too, than life will be rainbows and sunshine! Not really, but it will be a helluva lot easier than if you are just selfish.
     Another thing I've learned is that you really have to call people out on being bitches. If someone is treating other people badly, call them out on it. Also, if they are being a diva CALL THEM OUT ON IT!!!It is not necessary to politely stand by as somebody pushes through and demands that they be given the most attention just because they want to be noticed. If you work hard, guess what, somebody will notice. You don't need to toot your own horn and tell the world how great you are, because if you really are that great chances are someone will end up noticing. This doesn't mean you should go around calling everybody out on every wrong move they make, but if they repeatedly do these bitchy things you need to stop the madness.
     And the biggest lesson I've learned this year, don't stay at a job you don't enjoy. Yes, I realize I'm at a point in my life where I have to deal with the shitty jobs just to get through, but that doesn't mean I need force myself to continually go to a place that makes me unhappy. I work in food service right now and I actually enjoy myself. It's not the greatest job, but I make it better in my own way. I also work at a job where I get paid very little for the hours I put in, but I absolutely adore it. Through this job I have found what I want to be when I grow up, and I am lucky enough to be able say that at the age of 20. This past year I held two jobs that I absolutely hated and they made me so unhappy as a person, and it showed. When I discovered that I needed to quit these jobs I found out what my weaknesses are, and that was really hard to admit to myself. I also had to admit to others that I had failed, which is soooo not fun. But even though I had to do these two very difficult things, I was so much happier as a person and healthier too. So little importance is placed upon mental health, and I have learned what happens if you ignore the things your brain is telling you.
     In conclusion Comm 201 can go die, just communicate with people (FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), call out bitches, and listen to your brain. Granted my year was shitty (oops...poopy, I meant poopy), but I wouldn't trade these lessons for anything. The tough times can really help you learn lessons the best, because if you don't learn these lessons you'll keep having tough times. While the lessons I learned may not be ones that apply to you, I hope you can realize that the tough times are there for us to grow from. Props go out to the Big Guy Upstairs for letting us have tough times too, even though they hurt like hell we become better people for it.

p.s.This title is from "The Mikado" by Gilbert and Sullivan and I am currently madly in love with it.