Rewriting the words to songs is fun, and it's even more fun when you're a kid who has read a lot of old books and can come up with some cool words to use(I also use some not so old words, so have no fear). And so I have prepared a list of my Christmas renditions for your entertainment, enjoy.
Oh Chemistry(Oh Christmas Tree)
Oh Chemistry Oh Chemistry!
Your formulas confuse me;
Oh Chemistry Oh Chemistry!
Your formulas confuse me;
There's phosphate, and phosphide
And when I got my test I cried
Oh Chemistry Oh Chemistry!
Your formulas confuse me!
Jeans that are tight (Silent Night)
Jeans that are tight, don't fit right
Your gold threads, full of might
I'll deny that I've gained any weight
Put more cookies on my plate
Please don't split on me
Please don't split on me
My Homework is a Mountain(Go Tell it on the Mountain)
My homework is a mountain
piled on the chairs and to the ceiling
My homework is a mountain
A load that can't be borne.
My Hair is curled(Joy to the World)
My hair is curled until I sleep
And then it gets messy
I toss and turn within my room
And now it is frizzy
And now it is frizzy
And now and now it is frizzy
Just Look at that Stranger(Away in a Manger)
Just look at that stranger no shirt o'er his head
His abs and pectorals are awesome I said
The girls in the room looked up with a sigh
His abs and pectorals are wonderfully nigh.
What time is this(What Child is This)

What time is this upon my clock
I think I may still be sleeping
The numbers say its ten fifteen
And that means I should be leaving
You, you will miss your class
Now your friends will give you sass
Haste haste to be on time
You can no longer tarry.
I hope this has given you some holiday cheer, I know it has made me feel more peace on earth and goodwill towards men.Especially Just Look at that Stranger, because happily it was based on a true story.I didn't put a picture in for that one, because it couldn't do justice to the inspiration for that carol. So I shall leave you with something just as wonderful. Happy Holidays!